SCP-HAT: v2.0 launch
The Sustainable Consumption and Production and Hotspot Analysis Tool (SCP-HAT) v 2.0 will be available in the public domain in the next couple of weeks, with substantive new features as well as the new and enhanced underlying Multi-Region Input Output (MRIO) database (finally named GLORIA!). This updated version of the tool will boost the sector disaggregation to 96 for most countries and the time coverage to 1990-2019. With Version 2.0, LCI will have the ability to cover new pressure and impact indicators, such as nutrient flows, water consumption and energy supply.
The number of SCP-HAT users is also growing, with over 5,500 individual users from all continents learning from it in the last year. For example, the UN Development Programme has recently supported countries such as The Gambia and Vanuatu in using the SCP-HAT to enhance their NDCs. Vanuatu NDC’s were improved and informed by the sector hotspots detected with SCP-HAT; from these hotspots it is more effective to focus circular economy strategies in those sectors that can yield biggest improvements. The NDC for The Gambia, which is the only country rated by the Climate Action Tracker as “1.5°C Paris Agreement compatible”, has also been informed with the SCP-HAT.
Read more here.