FSLCI Global Survey: Teaching LCA in Higher Education

You are invited to participate in a global survey on teaching Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in higher education. The survey is facilitated by the FSLCI (Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation) Working Group on LCA in Higher Education.

Survey responses and data will be used for the following purposes:

  1. Gather data to be used for a forthcoming scientific paper on how LCA is taught around the world, and
  2. Create a global overview of institutions teaching LCA around the world on the FSLCIā€™s website, if permission is explicitly granted at the end of the survey.

The survey takes between 10 – 20 minutes, depending on the level of detail that you are ready to provide and the extent to which you are involved in teaching LCA at your respective institution.

To read more or participate, click here.

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