Certifications Overview

LCANZ offer suitably qualified and registered members the ability to become certified as:

Note: A Life Cycle Assessment Practitioner Affiliate certification is being developed for early career LCA practitioners.

Under arrangements with the American Centre for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA) and the Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS), Australian and New Zealand candidates who meet the qualification requirements of each certification will be certified. The certifications are recognised in New Zealand, Australia and the USA.

Members who wish to be recognised as certified members and are certified under any of the certification schemes, are required to keep their LCANZ membership dues current and comply with the LCANZ Code of Conduct.

The LCANZ Professional Development Committee, chaired by Emily Townsend, is responsible for the certification offerings for our members and liaising with ACLCA and ALCAS.

The Professional, Reviewer and Executive certifications are managed by ACLCA Certification Management Council. The Council is chaired by Debbie Steckel, Executive Director, ACLCA, with members from ACLCA membership and representation from LCANZ and ALCAS.

The Carbon certification is managed by ALCAS LCCCP Management Committee, and the LCCCP Technical Advisory Committee, both sub-committees of the Professional Development Committee. Both Committees has representation from ACLCA and LCANZ.

For a full list of Certified Professionals, please visit the ACLCA Professional Directory.


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