CLAR Certification

CLAR Overview

Suitably qualified and registered LCANZ members are able to become certified as Certified Life Cycle Assessment Reviewers (CLARs).

CLAR certification assures commissioners of LCA studies, product category rules, and EPDs that the reviewers are competent to perform these reviews.

All Certified Life Cycle Assessment Reviewers have demonstrated LCA expertise and practical competence through:

  • Maintaining Life Cycle Assessment Certified Professional (LCACP) certification
  • At least 5 years’ experience in the field of LCA
  • Having performed at least 5 critical reviews

CLAR Certification is offered under an arrangement with the American Centre for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA). Candidates who meet certification requirements will be certified as CLARs. The certification is recognised in New Zealand, Australia, and the USA.

Application and certification process

  1. Be an LCACP in good standing.
  2. Complete the online CLAR application, including:
    • Submit documentation of your five years’ experience in the field.
      • If your LCACP is at least five years old, no further documentation is needed.
    • Documentation of five LCA reviews you have participated in.
  3. Your documentation will be reviewed by the Certification Committee members.
  4. Pay the one-time fee of 400 USD at the ACLCAWeb shop.
  5. Maintain membership of LCANZ.

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