How to create tangible business value from LCAs
Thursday 12, May 2016
LCANZ hosted a well-attended workshop on May 12 that examined how to create tangible business value through LCA. This interactive workshop saw Adam Schofield, Autex’s Environmental & Quality Compliance Manager, talk about fuelling growth and innovation with Life Cycle Management. Mark Stevens, Tork Professional Hygiene’s Head of Sales in New Zealand, covered the commercialisation of LCA. Emily Townsend, Downer’s Sustainability Programme Advisor, outlined influencing infrastructure design through carbon footprinting and Barbara Nebel, President of LCANZ discussed the business value of LCA.
The LCANZ committee was extremely pleased with the success of this event and we look forward to welcoming even more LCANZ members and associates at future events. The workshops are an excellent opportunity to network and exchange ideas with industry peers and are focused on imparting practical advice on how LCA can be used to support business decisions, grow revenue, identify
efficiencies, improve external communication and marketing and develop Environmental Product Declarations. The event is also about fun and feedback we received from attendees was extremely positive.
Agrilink Director Andrew Barber had this to say: “Congratulations to the team that organised the Auckland LCANZ workshop on May 12. This was a terrific event, with three great speakers who were able to demonstrate the practical application of life cycle thinking in their businesses. It challenged my
thinking about the value of sustainable thinking, culture and the value to a business. Also it is always a great opportunity at the end to talk with a wine in hand, brilliant. I’m looking forward to the next event.”