Sustainable Built Futures Centre – Opportuntity for Funded Masters Research

Fletcher Building Infrastructure group: LCA Study

Applicants are sought to undertake a Masters research project, funded by Fletcher Building.  Fletcher Building is progressing the development of more environmentally sustainable products by developing a uniform methodology for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of its product lines.  As a major step in this programme, the infrastructure group of businesses within Fletcher Building are supporting a University of Auckland Master’s study of this concrete products.

A number of Fletcher Building businesses have carried out LCA studies of their products using different methodology and information technology and the company is now instigating a programme to develop uniform methodolgoy and data processing capability.  THe pilot for htis programme will be the Infrastructure group’s concrete products busiensses which include Golden Bay Cement, Winstone Aggregates, Firth and Humes Pipeline Industries along wtih Pacific Steel and Fletcher Reinforcing supply of reinforcing rod.

The Master’s study will develop LCA methodology applicable to any business unit’s products and will inlcude an LCA study of at least one products line.  The student will start in March 2014 and completion is expected in December 2014.

Accepatble candidates must have completed a 4 year undergraduate degree with some environmental science or engineering courses and be eligible to enrol in the Masters programme.  A knowledge of Life Cycle Assessment would be preferred.  While preference would be for starting in March 2014, it may be feasible to start in the second semester 2014.  Funding for the project will include a $20,000 stipend, coverage of NZ student fees and research expenses.  Students may be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement.  Consideration may be given to extending this to a PhD.

To apply, please email a CV, covering letter and copy of your undergraduate transcript to:

Associate Professor Carol Boyle
Director, Sustainable Built Futures Centre
University of Auckland
Auckland, NZ


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