Join the LCANZ Best Practice Working Group
After the AGM there was opportunity to reframe and reinvigorate the LCANZ Best Practice Working Group (BPWG) for the year ahead. The group aims to provide robust NZ specific LCA and EPD development recommendations both for LCA practitioners and business users.
The BPWG has previously provided LCANZ members and the wider public with excellent guidance on NZ LCI datasets, relevant impact categories, and LCA practitioner best practice. Guidance is now required for emerging areas such as EPDs and communication, circular economy, carbon reduction and sustainability change management.
Kelly McClean and Adam Schofield are co-chairs of the BPWG and have selected Using LCA in the circular economy as the first focus area. This coincides with several initiatives underway by government and industry to ‘close the loop’. The BPWG is tasked with providing further insights from an LCANZ perspective on how to use LCA methodology to create better circularity e.g. material flows, circularity indicators, reusable models.
We invite interested members to join the BPWG. The committee is keen for a range of skills and expertise – practitioner, government, industry and academic representation are all welcome. The group meets quarterly, with the next meeting scheduled for late July via conference call. Email to get involved, limited places available.