Slowly but Surely, Fairphone paving the way to a more ethical electronics industry

Dutch social enterprise Fairphone has released its 2019 Impact Report, where it sets and measures benchmarks, sharing its efforts to reduce harm to the environment, improve the lives of everyone involved in making its phone and change the rules of doing business. 

One of the report’s findings stated: A life cycle assessment (LCA) of the Fairphone 3 found that the modular parts contributed to 2.3 percent of the emissions in production; a significant improvement over the Fairphone 2, in which they represented 12 percent of CO2 production emissions. 

Despite its higher price point and mixed reviews on its functionality, Fairphone 3 is a modular smartphone that’s made from ethically sourced materials, assembled by factory workers who are paid a living wage, and designed to allow for hardware updates and repairs to reduce the need to dispose of older phones — significant achievements that put Fairphone leaps ahead of any other smartphone on the market in terms of sustainability. 

Read more here.

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