Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment: A Professional Development Course (June 2023)

Tuesday 13, June 2023

The course consists of 3 interactive 1-hour Zoom sessions to be held at 8.30 am on Tuesdays 

  • 13th June
  • 20th June
  • 27th June

Cost: $400.00 + GST per person, or if one organisation registers four or more people, the cost is $350.00 + GST per person

Enrolments close on 22 May 2023 – Limited spaces available

Massey University will be conducting a course on the fundamentals of Life Cycle Assessment and will introduce you to life cycle thinking as a concept, and Life Cycle Assessment as an analytical tool to support environmental management. By the end of this short course, you will be able to confidently commission an LCA study designed to meet the needs of a specific decision situation and be able to interpret its results to support decision-making.

The course is intended for professionals interested in learning more about the role of LCA in guiding decision-making, with no prior training in LCA required. The course is likely to appeal to:

  • environmental managers,
  • product designers,
  • engineers,
  • policymakers, and
  • other professionals interested in learning more about the role of LCA in guiding decision-making

There will be 2 hours of additional learning exercises to be undertaken independently during the course.
For more details

To register for the course contact:
Course Administrator
Fiona Bardell
Phone: 06 951 7175


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